Heroine, Bridget Duke, rules her high school, but when she crashes her car and ends up in limbo, she must confront the people she has wronged, all of whom want her to go to hell. The outcome of these meetings will decide her final destination.
I was on kind of a kick lately reading similar stories to compare. If I Stay by Gayle Foreman, Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver and Here Lies Bridget by Paige Harbison. I am not here to compare these stories today. I did find similiarities in the main characters however between Before I fall and Here Lies Bridget. Bridget, lets face it was a mean girl! As you read you almost want to say that she deserves what she gets, but really nobody deserves to die, no matter what. Of course this book takes on a different look at bullying in schools that really needs to be acknowledged more. In this story we see Bridget going into the minds of her fellow students and seeing herself from their point of views. It was a great read and books like this should be considered required reading for any school-aged child, honestly.

Well said. I agree, more schools should have books like these on the curricullum =]