Ok in the blogosphere I met David and Kelly from http://yabookreads.com/ great people that love to read. One day David sent me a message that I should check out some books by Maria V Snyder. Stating that he thinks I would like. The Study Series Bundle
and Inside Out (Harlequin Teen)
I already had Poison Study on my wish list but have never actually purchased it yet, so I thanked him for the recommendation (as nice people should respectfully do) and kept it in my mind for a later date.. so I come across Inside Out available from my library, picked it up and was HOOKED! Thank you David =P so literally I was hooked from page one. I was soo entranced by this story that I literally did not want it to end. I devoured every page and found myself constantly thinking about this world every second that I was not reading it ( and would literally just stop reading so I could ponder what it was I was reading)\
Here is the blurb from http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7059135-inside-out
Keep Your Head Down.
Here is the blurb from http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7059135-inside-out
Keep Your Head Down.
Don't Get Noticed.
Or Else.
I'm Trella. I'm a scrub. A nobody. One of thousands who work the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I've got one friend, do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops. So what if I occasionally use the pipes to sneak around the Upper levels? The only neck at risk is my own…until I accidentally start a rebellion and become the go-to girl to lead a revolution.
Trella is a scrub, she works as a pipe cleaner in the lower levels. She was raised by a caretaker in the nursing center and trained to work from the moment she could walk and talk. She has only become friends with another care mate Cog. She keeps to herself, sleeps in the pipes and never pays attention to what's going on around her. Raised to believe that the Uppers are privileged and the lowers are workers being controlled by the pop cops. But everything runs smoothly..until
Needless to say this book was constant action, dystopian awesomeness and a complete mind trip. I loved every minute of it and it deserves much more praise. It ranked for me up with the Hunger Games and was listed as one of my favorite reads of 2010. Maria is coming out with the sequel Outside In on Feb 22 2011 and I am patiently awaiting my copy in the mail. If this type of book does not quite sound like something you would be into, please open your mind and check out some other books by this author! http://www.mariavsnyder.com/
I loved Inside Out. It's definitely one of my favourite reads ever, and Outside In is almost as brilliant!