In a dystopian future, Thomas the assassin is about to face the job of his career -- and his life. After avenging his alcoholic father's untimely death, Thomas begins his transformation into a cold-blooded killer. The Prakanis, a human race with superhuman abilities -- and superhuman egos -- rules the land of Xuelition with an iron fist, and as Thomas learns, it's much easier to work with than against them. When the government hires him to recover bonds from a disgruntled employee, Thomas has no idea what's in store for him. He's stealthy, clever, and one of the best assassins in the business, but what he learns on this mission will change his life forever.
I was very surprised by this story. It had a very science fiction feel to it, with alien/exotic sounding names.
Thomas is approached with a job to assassinate Lord Gelder, who has escaped the city with enough money to bankrupt the empire. He is hired with the understanding he will murder Gelder and return the money that was stolen.
There is a variety of different types of characters. From wizards to superhumans. This story had a particular focus on family as well. Thomas own family is the basis of how he ended up becoming an assassin. His mother (a wizard) left him when he was young, and his father was murdered over a gambling debt. Thomas is a little bitter, upset and wants revenge. He is still pretty young himself and has not had many assassination jobs.
The story was constant movement. Very fast paced and flew by. There were several different layers to the story that unraveled in each new circumstance he ends up in trying to find Lord Gelder, and then trying to get back into the city.
There are several plot twists, and things you'll never see coming. Once I sat down to read it my butt didn't leave the seat. There was always something new happening and engrossing, it sucked me right in.
Great world building, dialogue and action scenes. Very entertaining!
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