Daphne is the half-demon, half-fallen angel daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. Life for her is an endless expanse of time, until her brother Obie is kidnapped—and Daphne realizes she may be partially responsible.
Determined to find him, Daphne travels from her home in Pandemonium to the vast streets of Earth, where everything is colder and more terrifying. With the help of the human boy she believes was the last person to see her brother alive, Daphne glimpses into his dreams, discovering clues to Obie’s whereabouts. As she delves deeper into her demonic powers, she must navigate the jealousies and alliances of the violent archangels who stand in her way Description from goodreads.com
This was my choice for the Burn Bright Book Club that I am a member of. (click here) I am going to re-post my thoughts about this book here on my own blog, to bring awareness to the book club (anybody can participate the books are all listed on the main book club page=listed down the left side) and the post and chats happen at the end of the month. Sometimes there are prizes to be won for participating and joining in, so sign up and read along :)
The US cover has a beautiful maroon/reddish coloring and the silver flourish is all raised. I have to say that the cover appealed to me immediately before I read the summary. Gorgeous, and fits the mood of the story.
Mostly recognizable names from religions and myths. Stories of Adam and Eve, heavenly angels and Lucifer himself.
Daphne is my favorite character because she never put on a front. She was always true to who she was, although at times confused. The emotions that humans feel are new to her, she has a hard time understanding what they are. But in the end, she is bold, determined and stands up for what she feels is the right thing to be doing. But Raymie was a very close second favorite!
Least Favourite
It is always the hardest to find a character that I don't like. Unless they stand out. I had a hard time trying to figure this one out in this book and even though he is such a minor character I would have to choose Adam. For turning away his son.
The unique setting of introducing us to Pandorium in the beginning of the story really does set the mood of the novel. When beginning a story with a introduction of life in Hell and the stories behind their daily routines, and a feeling of unending monotony. It surprises you that Earth may be considered scarier than Hell. You begin to wonder how the rest of the story is going to go when the main character would prefer to stay in Hell than experience Earth.
Daphne is the half-demon, half-fallen angel daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. When her brother Obie is kidnapped, Daphne realizes she may be partially responsible. Determined to find him, Daphne travels from her home in Pandemonium to Earth, With the help of Truman, the human boy she believes was the last person to see her brother alive, Daphne glimpses into his dreams, discovering clues to Obie's whereabouts. As she delves deeper into her demonic powers, But she also discovers, unexpectedly, what it means to love and be human in a world where human is the hardest thing to be
The ending was a perfect match for this book. I was happy to see a stand alone book that wrapped up well with an ending that made me feel content.
This story ended up to be more than I expected. It was dark and grim and brimming with legends, beliefs, folklore, Myths, Tales, and symbolism. The writing was beautiful and the characters pensive and haunting. Something never expected by far one of my favorites reads of the year.
“I've never been impulsive. It's always been in my nature to consider things carefully and then decide upon the best solution. Except, sometimes the circumstances change. Sometimes things get so complicated and so bad that your nature just doesn't matter anymore.”
“It’s not the wisest thing - love - but when it happens, there’s not a lot you can do to stop it. Sometimes you just have to soldier on through.”
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